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What's a Good SAT Score?

Ryan Murphy

Man in blue flannel shirt giving a thumbs-up

Ever wonder what actually is a good SAT score? Obviously scoring a 1600, or anywhere close to it, is ideal. But what are the different ranges that you should be aiming for?

Well, it all depends.

First, think of the purpose of the SAT -- you’re taking an exam so that you have the best chance at getting accepted to the college of your choice. So the college that you want to attend will determine what's a good score, and the best way to check this information is to look at the college's website, particularly at the freshman class profile.

What's a good SAT score for Ivy League colleges (top tier)?

For students who are aiming for the Ivy League, a good score most likely ranges from 1450-1600. How do you know this? Look at any of the Ivy League student profiles for their most recent freshman class and you can see the scores of students.

For example, Princeton provides this information:

SAT score profile of Princeton freshman class

From it, we get an idea of what scores are necessary to be competitive among applicants. In this case, you most likely need a really high score, if not a perfect one, to make an impression on Princeton admissions officers.

What's a good SAT score for prestigious liberal arts colleges (second tier)?

For second-tier schools, such as the prestigious liberal arts colleges, like Middlebury, the score range is a little lower:

SAT/ACT score profile of Middlebury freshman class

What's a good SAT score for major public research universities (third tier)?

And for third-tier schools, like major public research institutions, including the University of Texas, the score range is even lower:

SAT score profile of University of Texas at Austin freshman class

Truly, a "good" SAT score all really depends on where you want to go to college.

Are there other factors that may determine what's considered a good SAT score?

Yes, there is an added bonus to getting a good SAT score: a high SAT score yields more scholarship opportunities. Have you ever heard of the Regents’ Gold Scholarship at Baylor? Well, this is what it looks like:

Baylor's Regents' Gold Scholarship award tiers

Not a bad return on investment for signing up for some SAT classes or tutoring, right?

To keep things simple, check out this infographic...

which gives you an overview of how to evaluate your SAT score and whether you should be spending more time studying and testing:

Graphic that explains what is a good SAT score

Hoping to ace your SAT exam? Now is the time to sign up for SAT summer classes! Check out our course offerings and set yourself on the path to getting scholarship money and a fighting chance at acceptance to the best universities in the country.


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