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Demystifying AP/IB Exam Scores: 5 Ways to Determine if Your Scores Are College-Ready

Luiza Gruel Budet

As the culmination of rigorous high school courses, Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams hold great significance for students seeking admission to colleges and universities. Understanding when these exam scores are released, how they are used in admissions, and how to decide which scores to submit can alleviate some of the anxiety associated with this critical aspect of the application process.

When do AP/IB Exam Scores come out?

The College Board, the organization responsible for AP exams, typically releases the AP Exam Scores in early July. They become accessible online through the College Board's AP Score portal. The specific release date can vary slightly from year to year, so it's important to stay updated by visiting the College Board's official website. This year, score are anticipated to be released starting July 5!

For International Baccalaureate exams, the IB Exam Scores release dates vary depending on the exam session. The scores are generally released in early July for the May session and in early January for the November session. Students receive their scores through their respective schools, which are responsible for distributing them.

How are AP/IB scores used for admissions?

AP exams can have a significant impact on college admissions and beyond. While colleges allow students to self-report their scores, performing well on AP exams (getting either a 4 or 5) can enhance your application and showcase your academic prowess. High AP scores can help contextualize the difficulty of your courses and reflect positively on your overall academic performance, increasing the competitiveness of your college application. Low AP scores (i.e., 1 or 2) can be a red flag to selective institutions and should be omitted from your application. Moreover, achieving high scores can also translate into college credit, allowing you to bypass prerequisite courses and delve into advanced studies. Although these exams won't solely define your college applications, they serve as valuable tools to demonstrate your capabilities and give you an advantage. Therefore, it's worth putting in the effort and striving for success in your AP exams.

Similarly, IB exam scores are crucial in the admissions process for colleges and universities worldwide. Admissions officers review IB scores to assess a student's academic preparation, intellectual curiosity, and potential to succeed in higher education. High IB scores (scores of 5+) can set applicants apart and demonstrate their commitment to an academically rigorous curriculum. A survey of more than 4,000 students conducted by the International Insight Research Group in partnership with the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) showed that the acceptance rate of IB students into Ivy League universities is up to 18% higher than the total population acceptance rate. The gap is even more significant for top-ranked universities outside of the Ivy League, where it is 22% higher, on average.

How do you decide which scores to submit?

Choosing requires thoughtful consideration and an understanding of the institution's policies. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  1. Target Institutions: Research the specific requirements and policies of the colleges and universities you are interested in. Some institutions may only accept certain AP/IB scores for credit or placement, while others might have more flexible policies.

  2. Strengths and Weaknesses: Evaluate your performance in each AP/IB subject and identify your strengths. Focus on submitting scores in subjects where you performed well, as they can showcase your proficiency and dedication. For subjects where you didn't perform as strongly, it may be beneficial to leave those scores out unless the institution requires them.

  3. Relevance to Intended Major: Consider the relevance of AP/IB subjects to your intended major. Submitting scores in subjects aligned with your academic interests can demonstrate your aptitude and passion in that field.

  4. College Credit and Placement: Determine whether the colleges you are applying to offer credit or advanced placement based on AP/IB scores. If you have earned scores that can potentially grant you college credits or advanced standing, it may be advantageous to submit those scores.

  5. Overall Application Strength: Evaluate your application as a whole and consider how the AP/IB scores fit into the bigger picture. If your application is strong in other areas, the weight placed on AP/IB scores may be less significant.

Understanding when AP/IB exam scores are released, how they are used in admissions, and how to decide which scores to submit is crucial for maximizing your chances of success. Remember to stay informed about release dates, research institution-specific policies, and carefully evaluate your profile to see if it fits the bigger picture.

B2A’s counseling services can help put you on the right path in college admissions and guide you in determining which scores to use in your applications! Our expert AP exam tutors can determine your weaknesses and get you on the right path to acing your tests. Schedule now while tutors are available!


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