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UNC-Chapel Hill on the Rise

A'Nya Marshburn Foushee

As the first public university in the United States, UNC-Chapel Hill has been on the rise since 1795! At the end of year highlights in May of 2023, Chancellor Kevin shared that UNC has 21 programs in the top 10 in the U.S. News & World Report’s graduate school rankings, with the Gillings School of Global Public Health maintaining its No. 1 spot among public schools. They have also received a $70 million National Institutes of Health grant to the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute in the School of Medicine. Some of their top majors include Social Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Communication/Journalism, Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Computer and Information Sciences, Business, Management/Marketing, and Health Professions and Related Programs. 

Financial Aid is Right at Your Fingertips

UNC-Chapel Hill prides themselves on making college affordable! When applying to UNC-Chapel Hill, once you fill out the FAFSA and CSS Profile, you will automatically be considered for academic scholarships and grants. Aside from federal financial aid, UNC-Chapel Hill has “The Carolina Covenant,” a financial aid package that provides an opportunity for students who qualify to attend and graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill DEBT-FREE! The Covenant meets full financial need through grants, scholarships, and work-study—no loans needed. The Covenant also offers academic, career, and well-being support to help Covenant Scholars thrive at Carolina and beyond. Carolina Covenant Scholars are from families with a total income that is at or below 200% of the poverty guideline and who meet additional economic criteria to qualify. Eligibility for all financial aid at UNC-Chapel Hill, including the Carolina Covenant, is automatically assessed with the general financial aid application process—there is no separate application process.

Not Sure Which Major To Choose? 

UNC makes deciding on a major a stress-free process by utilizing the IDEAS in Action Curriculum. The IDEA acronym stands for: Identify pressing questions, problems and issues, Discover ideas, evidence and methods that inform these questions, Evaluate these ideas, evidence and methods, and Act on the basis of these evaluations. IDEAS in Action will strengthen your ability to think critically, work collaboratively and communicate persuasively. Your learning will be experiential and hands-on, and you will have multiple opportunities for practice and reflection. After your first two years with this curriculum, you will have over 70 majors/minors to choose from! This curriculum gives you a road map and with your appointed UNC-Chapel Hill advisor, they will work to build your own path

Opportunities that are out of this world

Not only does UNC offer opportunities on their campus, but all around the world, even for first-year students! The Carolina Global Guarantee creates an opportunity for global education for all Carolina students, with opportunities to learn from cultures and societies around the world and understand the powerful ways in which our world is interconnected. Carolina Global Launch allows you to study abroad in the fall semester of your first year and then enroll in classes on campus for the spring semester. The Global Gap Year Fellowship provides students with $8,000 to fund a gap year that is committed to service abroad. Summer Study Abroad Fellowships provide a one-time award of $5,000 to fund study abroad experiences for students after their first, second, or third year of study at Carolina. These are just a few of the global opportunities available at UNC-Chapel Hill. Whether through study abroad or through immersive global content and experiences in Carolina’s curriculum, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills fundamental to their success as the next generation of global leaders.

Applying to UNC Chapel Hill? Berkeley2 Academy is here to help! 

Contact a Berkeley2 Academy counselor for additional advice on how to stand out from other applicants! B2A offers 1:1 counseling services for students to receive professional guidance and/or feedback on their application materials.  Our Steps Program for high school students grades 9th-11th, is a college admission counseling program that will help you get a head-start on planning for college admissions. Our Gateway program for high school seniors is designed to guide students through 5 college applications with a designated Gateway counselor. Click here for more information and to set-up an appointment with a B2A counselor today!


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